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'An English Center for Advanced Children'


‘Why TiKes is Number #1’

(10 Golden Rules)


  1. TiKes allows classes in English only. We do not permit non-native speakers to teach our classes! (This of course is #1. It is detrimental to do otherwise.)
  2. TiKes 100% believes in English immersion. It has been clearly proven that people (mostly children) learn English as a second language much faster and with greater skill then those that do not practice this attribute.
  3. TiKes does not and will never use translation as a rule for teaching English. In fact; in most Countries, using translation as a teaching device is illegal.
  4. TiKes does not tolerate misbehavior! Unlike other Schools and Training Centers, we will not lie to you! If a student continuously disregards our rules, he or she, will be expelled immediately!
  5. TiKes is an Education Center for Advanced Children. That being said; our goal is to have the best students only – That being the ones that try their best! – Making money is not our agenda. Making better futures for our students is!
  6. TiKes Classroom is very clean and modern. It is full of information and material, making it not only fun to learn but to have our students equipped with the materials they deserve.
  7. TiKes allows all parents to observe any classes they wish. We have a special ‘Parent’s Room’ designed to allow all family members to observe their child or children’s performance.
  8. TiKes has developed a unique reward system that has been proven to be exemplary. It is our goal to make sure all of our students have an equal opportunity of success.
  9. TiKes provides the best resources, environment and material known to us and if not we are surely willing to change for the better.
  10. TiKes has produced some of the top speaking English students in China. We will not stop doing so!